Integration Process

Process for Compute Providers to Connect:

  1. Access the Provider Interface: Compute providers first need to log in to the DSC platform's Provider interface.

  2. Enter/Select Hardware Specifications: In the Provider interface, providers need to fill in or select the specifications of the hardware devices they plan to connect, such as GPU models and CPU specifications.

  3. Configure GPUs/CPUs: Following platform prompts, compute providers must configure their GPUs or CPUs to ensure they are compatible with the DSC platform and function correctly.

  4. Successfully Connect Hardware: Once configured, the hardware devices will be connected to the DSC network, becoming available as compute resources.

  5. View Hardware Status and Earnings: Compute providers can view the status of their hardware devices and receive rewards and earnings based on the compute power they provide through the Provider interface.

Process for Compute Users to Utilize Resources:

  1. Access the User Interface: Compute users need to log in to the DSC platform's User interface.

  2. Create Work Clusters/Containers: Users need to establish their work clusters or containers within the User interface, which serve as the environment for running AI applications.

  3. Select Compute Resources: Based on the requirements of their AI applications, users can select the necessary compute resources, including the type and quantity of CPUs or GPUs.

  4. Complete Configuration and Start Using: After configuration, users can launch their AI applications and begin utilizing the compute resources provided by the DSC platform.

  5. Monitor Usage Status and Handle Payment Settlement: During use, users can monitor the status of the compute resources and complete payment and settlement after their usage ends.

Last updated