About DSFS Foundation

DSFS Foundation (DSFS Foundation) is a foundation entity registered in Singapore in 2019, comprising scientists, early-stage strategic investors, technical communities, user communities, and application ecosystems in fields such as blockchain, supercomputing, and artificial intelligence.

The vision of the DSFS Foundation is to promote the development and popularization of distributed technologies, with a long-term commitment to supporting and advancing the research, development, and sharing of distributed underlying infrastructure. It aims to bring leading-edge new generation protocols and tools to the world, enabling developers to easily develop various distributed applications based on these infrastructures and collectively participate in building a globally inclusive, freely open, and prosperous ecosystem.

The DSFS distributed storage file system, supported by the foundation in 2019, is one of the earliest distributed storage protocols globally. Later, in 2021, the foundation began supporting and promoting the research and commercial exploration of distributed AI computing scheduling systems. The DSC (Distributed Super Computing) distributed AI computing service platform is the latest achievement built on the DSFS technology ecosystem.

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